Sep 2018
RobArch 2018, Archdaily, Designboom,…

I’m very proud to announce that almost one year after presenting our master thesis “Cyber Physical Macro Matter”, it has got published in a series of major events and publications and news networks including Ars Electronica, Robarch2018 Conference, Archdaily, and Designboom.

Left-to-Right: Maria Yablonina, Dylan Wood, Me!, Miguel Aflalo, Jingcheng Chen
Left-to-Right: Maria Yablonina, Dylan Wood, Me!, Miguel Aflalo, Jingcheng Chen

RobArch 2018, Zurich

Robarch2018 conference for robotic fabrication was the first place we had the chance to present our paper “Cyber Physical Macro Material as a UAV [re]Configurable Architectural System” (Wood, D., Yablonina, M., Aflalo, M., Chen, J., Tahanzadeh, B., Menges, A.) On Friday (14th September) Miguel and Dylan presented the paper under Control and Fabrication session of this event.

robarch zurich cpmm bookcover

The paper is available in the conference book “Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2018” published by Springer

Archdaily, Designboom,…

In the same week, major art/architecture news websites such as Archdaily and Designboom wrote an article about this project. This press release is thanks to Katja Rinderspacher, one of the researchers at ICD and coordinator of the ITECH program.

ITECH Family at RobArch2018

Beside our presentation, 3 more papers written by ITECH alumni were presented at this conference. Giulio Brugnaro presented his research “Adaptive Robotic Carving” [], Erik and Martin presented “Tailored Structures, Robotic Sewing of Wooden Shell” [] and last but not the least! our tutor Maria Yablonina presented “Towards the Development of Fabrication Machine Species for Filament Materials” [] which was awarded as one the top three presented papers in RobArch2018.

itech family robarch